Thursday, July 30, 2015


Ok, so it's been a couple weeks since my last post. I've had a lot of thinking to do and I've been trying to figure out a viable plan vs. doing another Whole30 which has proved to be pretty difficult to get going on. It's been 3 weeks since I finished, and I've felt pretty crappy since I started eating regular foods again. I've also been really struggling emotionally to figure out a balance and not be too hard on myself for my choices.

At the end of the day, it comes down to figuring out what I want. I really wanted to do the Whole30 the first time around and I did it and stuck to it and was very happy with my results. The issue this time is I'm feeling like I "should" do it rather than actually wanting to do it, which is why it's not happening.

I thought a lot about my current habits and what I've reverted back to after my 30 day journey and I've realized that things aren't so bad after all. I would say I don't eat anything out of habit right now. I haven't gone back to my Starbucks habit (even though I have one occasionally), I haven't gone back to my pop habit (even though I have one occasionally - I struggle at restaurants).  I don't have any particular thing that I eat because I always eat it, which I think is a good thing. I have maintained some of the good foundations I built during the W30...I eat breakfast every day - even if it's a smoothie....I know that if I don't, I will be set up for a terrible day of hunger and energy crashes and making poor food choices. I try to limit my snacking, but when I do, it's Lara bars or nuts or fruit or veggies. I drink water...maybe not as much as I should, but I am still drinking it and actually crave it from time to time.

I'm happy this week with just doing moderation and making conscious choices. I am choosing to limit / eliminate dairy from my regular eating because I just don't feel well when I have it and can noticeably feel the difference when I don't. I'm really watching my sugar intake and choose to eat things with less or no sugar whenever possible. I'm trying to incorporate veggies with every meal in some way or another.

Is it perfect? Nope, but then that's life isn't it? My goal is to follow the 80/20 rule for the most part or even 90/10. It isn't going to result in a 20 pound weight loss every month that's for sure, but if it helps me feel better, and I'm putting healthy good food into my body, I'm hoping that the weight will eventually find it's way out the door!

Well that's the update from me folks.

Until next time...


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